Values returned by ValueCalc 3.0 screens and add-in functions

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Coupon Bond

Value; Accrued Interest; Price; Delta; Gamma; Theta

Coupon Bond Yield

Continuously Compounded and Semiannually Compounded Yields to Maturity; Market and Model Values of Bond

Forward Contract

Value; Delta; Theta; Rho; Lambda

Forward Price

Delivery Price

Zero-Coupon Bond

Value; Continuously Compounded Yield; Delta; Gamma; Theta


Amortizing Swap

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta

Amortizing Swap Rate

Equilibrium Fixed Swap Rate; Market and Model Values of Swap

Fixed for Fixed Currency Swap

Value; Delta and Gamma of Yield in each currency; Delta of each FX; Theta

Fixed for Fixed Currency Swap Rate

Equilibrium Fixed Swap Rate; Market and Model Values of Swap

Fixed for Floating Currency Swap

Value; Delta and Gamma of Yield in each currency; Delta of each FX; Theta

Fixed for Floating Currency Swap Rate

Equilibrium Fixed Swap Rate; Market and Model Values of Swap

Forward Swap

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta

Forward Swap Rate

Equilibrium Fixed Swap Rate; Market and Model Values of Swap


Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta

Swap Rate

Equilibrium Fixed Swap Rate; Market and Model Values of Swap

Equity/Commodity/FX Options

American Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho, and Lambda computed for both Put and Call

European Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho, and Lambda computed for both Put and Call

Implied Volatility for American Option

Implied Volatility; Market and Model Values of Option

Implied Volatility for European Option

Implied Volatility; Market and Model Values of Option

Exotic Options

Average Price Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho, and Lambda computed for both Put and Call

Barrier Option

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda

Binary Barrier Option

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda

Binary Strike Option

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda

Compound Option

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda

Exchange Option

Value; Delta and Gamma of spot market value of each asset exchanged; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda

Lookback Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho, and Lambda computed for both Put and Call

Quanto Option

Value; Delta; Gamma; Theta; Vega; Rho; Lambda; Vega FX; Lambda FX

Interest Rate Options: Analytical Valuation

Amortizing Caps and Floors

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Cap and Floor

Caps and Floors

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Cap and Floor

Caplets and Floorlets

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Caplet and Floorlet

European Zero-Coupon Bond Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Put and Call

Forward Caps and Floors

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Cap and Floor

Implied Volatility for Caps and Floors

Implied Standard Deviation of Short Interest Rate; Market and Model Values of Contract

Interest Rate Options: Numerical Valuation

American Coupon Bond Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Put and Call

American Zero-Coupon Bond Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Put and Call

Bermudan Coupon Bond Option

Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Put and Call


Value, Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega computed for both Pay Fixed and Receive Fixed swaptions